Healthy Schools

Research indicates that schools, colleges, and universities are critical contexts for promoting social, emotional, physical, and academic development. In recent years, educational institutions have invested in evidence-based, comprehensive supports for students. Despite this increase, too many students continue to be left behind due to a lack of access to effective school-based supports. This is especially true for students with marginalized identities, including Black and Indigenous youth, LGBTQ+ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer/questioning) youth, youth with disabilities, and youth involved in the juvenile justice and child welfare systems. 

Featured Experts

Kristen E. Darling

Research Scientist II, Early Childhood Development and Education Research; Early Childhood Team Staffing Manager

Kristen Harper

Vice President for Public Policy and Engagement

Mavis Sanders

Senior Research Scholar of Black Children and Families

Brandon Stratford

Senior Research Scientist II

Deborah Temkin Cahill

Chief Research Officer

