The purpose of the K-3 Formative Assessment Consortium was to support states to implement a formative assessment in early elementary grades (Kindergarten through third grade). Child Trends provided research support, particularly around the use of implementation science to implement the assessment statewide for states in the Consortium. We also provided technical assistance to states for more targeted support during implementation.
This report provides findings from an online survey administered to principals and support staff to learn more about how they have supported teachers and schools to implement the K-3 Formative Assessment during a pilot process across multiple states. It also offers recommendations for implementation for state leaders to consider when engaging administrators.
Implications for long-term implementation: Findings from the teacher post-pilot data collection
This report provides findings from data collection administered to teachers to learn more about how they implemented the K-3 Formative Assessment during a pilot process across multiple states. It also offers recommendations for implementation for state leaders to consider when engaging teachers. The findings combine information collected from multiple data sources: an online background survey; an online teacher survey; and an online teacher focus group.
This report offers an overview of the feedback administrators and teachers offered in a field test of the K-3 Formative Assessment Consortium to inform future implementation of the assessment. The report offers lessons learned and recommendations for implementing a formative assessment in early grades statewide.
This report summarizes input from five states about their grant activities, the successes and challenges of the grant, advice they would offer to other states, and future activities. This resource may be best utilized by states interested in implementing a statewide formative assessment, states interested in participating in a similar initiative or grant, or federal agencies that offer similar grants to states.
Findings from the Field: Key Steps to Implementing a K-3 Formative Assessment Process
This resource provides recommendations and considerations about how to implement a formative assessment process in states. The information in this resource was compiled from reports based on teacher and administrator surveys during a pilot and field test of an enhanced K-3 Formative Assessment Process. Recommendations cover how to prepare for implementation, how to engage stakeholders, and how to support professional development.
K-3 Formative Assessment Implementation Toolkit
The following toolkit includes worksheets designed to walk state administrators through the process of implementing a formative assessment process in early elementary.
This resource is a brief companion document to the Professional Development Planning for the K-3 Formative Assessment: A Comprehensive Guide that offers a high-level overview of the components and blank templates of three professional development planning tools.
Professional Development Planning for the K-3 Formative Assessment: A Comprehensive Guide
This resource provides a set of three planning tools based on evidence-based professional development planning principles that are intended to assist implementation teams to plan for professional development around a formative assessment used in the early grades. The resource provides a framework, detailed guidance for the three tools, and blank templates of the three tools for state teams to use.
North Carolina Department of Public Instruction
Enhanced K-3 Formative Assessment Grant
Senior Advisors: Kelly Maxwell and Tamara Halle
Project Director: Van-Kim Lin
Others: Sarah Daily, Victoria Perkins, Tracy Gebhart, Anne Partika, Lauren LaMonte
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