Helping Family and Friends

Our original intention was to measure generosity broadly. However, our psycometric testing revealed that two of the items intended for the generosity scale loaded better on the altruism scale.  Without these two items, the scale is reduced to four items that assess the adolescent’s willingness to do things that help the family and friends, rather than a more broadly conceived generosity.

This scale is presented here. The fit statisics for this scale are adequate. Because this was not the original construct, we do not present subgroup or concurrent validity analyses.


The voluntary act of giving one’s time, attention, and/or material goods to family and friends with the following characteristics:

  • Neutral or positive feelings about the act
  • Not attaching conditions or expecting benefit
  • Internal motivation to give

Parent Scale

Please indicate how much these statements describe your child.   (Not at all like my child, A little like my child, Somewhat like my child, A lot like my child, Exactly like my child)

  • When my child helps out a friend, he/she expects something in return.
  • If needed, my child is willing to help our family by buying fewer things for himself/herself.
  • If needed, my child is willing to help our family by giving up activities and trips that cost money.
  • If needed, my child is willing to help our family by giving up his/her free time to help around the house

Parent Scale Psychometric Properties and Fit Indices

We conducted confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) to examine whether responses to the scale appeared to measure a single construct. Along with Cronbach’s alpha, we present model fit indices below.


  • Alpha=0.77 (good)
  • CFI=1.000 (excellent)
  • TLI=1.000 (excellent)
  • RMSEA=0.025 (excellent)

Adolescent Scale

Please indicate how much these statements describe you. (Not at all like me, A little like me, Somewhat like me, A lot like me, Exactly like me)

  • When I help out a friend, I expect something in return.
  • If needed, I am willing to help my family by buying fewer things for myself.
  • If needed, I am willing to help my family by giving up activities and trips that cost money.
  • If needed, I am willing to help my family by giving up my free time to help around the house.

Adolescent Scale Psychometric Properties and Fit Indices


  • Alpha=0.71 (good)
  • CFI=0.999 (excellent)
  • TLI=0.998 (excellent)
  • RMSEA=0.042 (excellent)
