Child Trends’ 10 Most Viewed Products of 2022

BlogChild WelfareDec 19, 2022

As 2022 winds down, Child Trends would like to highlight its 10 most viewed research products on This mix of products reflects the range of all that we do on behalf of children and youth, from agenda-setting research on child poverty, to research that changes the narrative on Black families, to comprehensive interactive state data tools. Take a look at the most-read products on our website and dive into those you didn’t read the first time around.

2022 was a strong year for Child Trends’ research on child poverty.

We expanded our portfolio of research that advances well-being for Black children and families.

a group of children running and playing

Our work on child welfare, school nurses, and LGBTQ+ youth also earned a lot of attention.

Child Trends can’t wait for 2023!

Thank you for your continued support of our mission to improve the lives of children and youth.

To stay current on Child Trends’ work, sign up for our newsletter here. If you’d like to receive updates on our child poverty research specifically, please sign up for our new quarterly child poverty newsletter here.
