Fostering Child and Teen Resiliency Project

FamiliesMar 30, 2022

Grandmother, mother and daughter unpacking groceries in the kitchen Sometimes, the stress that families face can help them learn and grow. At other times, such stress can be harmful. The process whereby families learn to manage stressful or traumatic experiences is called “resiliency.” In collaboration with the Center for Resiliency and Wellbeing at Phoenix Children’s Hospital, the Fostering Child and Teen Resiliency Project—led by Child Trends—is refining a measure of resiliency in families with children ages 18 and under. The Resiliency and Flourishing Measure (RFM) was developed by clinicians at the Center for Resiliency and Wellbeing, and provides information on the strengths, assets, and stress present in the everyday lives of families.

For Parents/Families

Parents of children ages 5 through 18 (and, if applicable, their teen children ages 13-18) are invited to participate in an hour-long interview and share their thoughts and responses to the interview questions. As thanks for their time, study participants will each receive $40 in electronic gift cards (physical gift cards available upon request) to either Walmart or Amazon.

If you are interested in participating in this study, please complete this brief family participant interest form or email us directly and a study coordinator will contact you shortly.

For Community Health Providers or Other Settings

To spread the word about this study, Child Trends is seeking to partner with pediatric or other health clinics and community centers. Partnering sites will be asked to share flyers and study information via social media and newsletters. Child Trends will answer any questions from potential participants and handle all logistics related to scheduling and interviewing.

If your site is interested, please fill out this brief site interest form or email us directly and a study coordinator will follow up with a brief set of questions to determine whether your site is a good fit.

Child Trends and the Center for Resiliency and Wellbeing look forward to sharing the results of this study and developing a measure to help clinicians understand the strengths and challenges of a diverse group of families.

Disclaimer: All study plans and materials have been approved by Child Trends’ IRB.
